SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT OF Universal Signal Processing Library USPL V1.3 Sigma Tech Corporation (c) 1997-1999 SIGMA TECH CORPORATION ("LICENSOR") IS WILLING TO LICENSE THE ACCOMPANYING SOFTWARE TO YOU ONLY IF YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS IN THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. PLEASE READ THE TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU INSTALL THE SOFTWARE, BECAUSE BY INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, LICENSOR WILL NOT LICENSE THIS SOFTWARE TO YOU, AND IN THAT CASE YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY DELETE ALL COPIES OF THIS SOFTWARE YOU HAVE IN ANY FORM. OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE 1. The enclosed Licensor software program ("Software") and the accompanying written materials are owned by Licensor or its suppliers and are protected by United States copyright laws, by laws of other nations, and by international treaties. GRANT OF LICENSE 2. If you have purchased a per copy license to the Software, Licensor grants to you the right to use one copy of the Software on a single computer. Group programming projects making use of this software must purchase a copy of the software and documentation for each member of the group. Contact Sigma Tech Corporation for volume discounts and site licensing agreements. 3. If you have not yet purchased a license to the Software, Licensor grants to you the right to use one copy of the Software on a single computer for an evaluation period of 30 days. If you wish to continue using the Software and accompanying written materials after the evaluation period, you must register the Software by sending the required payment to Licensor. You will then receive a license for continued use and a registration code that will permit you to use the Software free of payment reminders. The Software may come with extra programs and features that are available for use only to registered users through the use of their registration code. RESTRICTIONS ON USE AND TRANSFER 4. EVALUATION VERSION. You may distribute the EVALUATION VERSION of the Software and accompanying materials to others so long as all the files comprising the Software and accompanying written materials are passed to the user without modification and that a clear statement is made to the receiver of the distribution that you are in no way transferring or assigning rights to the Software. The Licensor may revoke the right to distribute the Software at any time, with or without cause, by giving 30 days written notice to the distributor. 5. REGISTERED VERSION. You may distribute, without runtime fees or further licenses, your own compiled programs based on the Software. Notwith- standing other restrictions, you may NOT distribute the REGISTERED version of the Software source code, or compiled units except USPL.DLL and CW3230.DLL without written permission from Sigma Tech Corporation. 6. Note that the previous restrictions do not prohibit you from distributing your own source code, units, or components that depend upon the Software. However, others who receive your source code, units, or components need to purchase their own copies of the Software in order to compile the source code or to write programs that use your units or components. 7. Sigma Tech Corporation authorizes you to make archival copies of the Software for the sole purpose of back-up and protecting your investment from loss. Under no circumstances may you copy this software or documentation for the purposes of distribution of the REGISTERED version to others. Under no conditions may you remove the copyright notices made part of the Software or documentation. 8. You may make printed copies of the written materials accompanying Software provided that they used only by users bound by this license. 9. You may not distribute or transfer your registration code or transfer the rights given by the registration code. 10. You may not rent or lease the Software or otherwise transfer or assign the right to use the Software. 11. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. 12. The attached VENDIFO data record is hereby incorporated by references. Any distribution satisfying all the distrubution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby authrorized. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY 13. THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED BY LICENSOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED. 14. IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, SAVINGS, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. 15. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Virginia. 16. If you have any questions concerning this Agreement or wish to contact Licensor for any reason, please write: Sigma Tech Corporation USPL Web site: E-mail: Voice: (540) 439-8000 Fax: (540) 439-0948 Address: 10285 Oakridge Lane Midland, VA 22728 USA U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS 17. The Software and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1)(ii) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.